Sarah + Tim

a canadian, american and calico living in perfect harmony

Your Young Women’s Experience March 4, 2008

Last Sunday, I was asked to be the 2nd Counselor in our Young Women’s presidency!


I have since been channeling and reminiscing my Young Women’s years, the leaders that made a difference, and the ways in which I was mentored by them and the unforgettable lessons I learned: how to put on make-up, my hemlines and the affect it has on boys, that you marry who you date, and much more.

Earlier this afternoon, I asked my younger sister to remind me what it’s like to be 13, the things that matter in her life right now, the fun activities in YW and got some GREAT answers.

So now I extend this question to you – What was it like when you were 12, 13, 14, etc? What was important to you? What do you remember about your Young Women’s experience?  What were some of the fun activities you remember?  Who were the leaders that made a difference in your life and why? Any thoughts or suggestions would be most appreciated! Look forward to hearing all about it!


New First Presidency February 5, 2008

While we all could see it coming that President Thomas S. Monson would assume President Hinckley’s responsibilities as 16th Prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, the fact that Elder Uchdorf was called as his Second Counselor was out of left field!

New First Presidency

I must say, in recent years it has been wonderful to see the Quorum of the Seventy include much more diversity than ever before with members from all over the globe. It’s exciting to see Elder Uchdorf, originally from Germany, the first ever member of the First Presidency not from North America (I stand corrected — John Taylor was born in England, not Canada as I had previously thought). Nonetheless, it is certainly becoming a worldwide church.