Sarah + Tim

a canadian, american and calico living in perfect harmony

Susan’s Got Talent April 18, 2009

Filed under: music — Sarah @ 1:16 pm
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Susan Boyle has taken the world by storm.  If you haven’t watched this 7 minute video of her performance in front of the likes of Simon Cowell on Britain’s Got Talent, do it now!  This video has gone viral overnight and has been viewed 26,000,000 times on Youtube.  You will not be disappointed.  (if video doesn’t load, go to

My friend Shane Gibson Twittered today,”When I grow up I want to be Susan Boyle.”  I’m sure he’s not alone.

Susan Boyle, we salute you.


dare to dream March 20, 2008

Allow me to introduce you to Paul Potts from Britain. A cell phone salesman, it was his dream to be an opera singer and though untrained, Potts auditioned on Britain’s Got Talent in front of Simon Cowell. This video will inspire you.

Against all odds, Paul Potts went on to win the competition and sing before the queen of England.  He has since made millions and needless to say, is no longer selling cell phones, but living his dream.  As Napoleon Hill said, “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” Imagine what is possible for you.