Sarah + Tim

a canadian, american and calico living in perfect harmony

Flags at Half Mast January 30, 2008

gbhOn Sunday night as we were eating dinner, we got the shocking news that President Hinckley, Prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints for the last 12 years, had passed away. As much as it is a loss for us, it is a happy news as well since he is reunited with his wife. We tried to get onto, Utah’s news source, to find out more details and couldn’t because it was experiencing such high traffic, nor could we call home on Verizon, because of the high volume of people spreading the news. On Monday morning, flags were at half mast in memory of President Hinckley. He made front page news in both the Salt Lake Tribune and the Daily Herald newspapers and has been on the front page of since Sunday.

His funeral will be held at the Conference Center in Salt Lake City (the first prophet of the church to have a funeral in the Conference Center) on Saturday, February 2nd at 11am and will also be broadcast to stake centers worldwide. Senator Obama was scheduled to visit Utah this Saturday and canceled out of respect of President Hinckley’s passing.

As I read back through his words from General Conference in October 2007, in his closing remarks, President Hinckley said, “We look forward to seeing you at the next General Conference. I’m 97, but hope I’ll make it.” He will be missed indeed.


One Response to “Flags at Half Mast”

  1. Aaron Thomas Says:

    I found out on the 28th and i cried for 2 hours! it is so sad that he died. i am at school and i have lots of pictures of him on my school laptop. bye and pray for everyone. mostly his family. :*( :*( :*( :*( :*( :*( :*( :*(:*( :*( :*( :*( :*( :*(

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